Max Pick Challenge – Part 2

Today is July 15th, which marks the end of our Max Pick Challenge! A big thank you to all participants for your guesses and congratulations to our (anonymous) winner, 0x381f35f3817eee7eee571e5002db13c66e69971f, who snagged a prize of $994 paid out in ETH! We hope you enjoyed the …

Max Pick Challenge – Part 1

TACEO presents the Max Pick Challenge, a unique on-chain guessing game, based on Collaborative SNARKs ("co-SNARKs", leveraging Multi Party Computation + Zero Knowledge) with the chance to win up to $1,000. The challenge is about submitting a number between 1 and 1000. The one who…

The Encryption Trifecta

Imagine a world where your data is not only encrypted at rest (AES) and in transit (TLS) but also during computation. Welcome to the future of blockchain technology with Compute Layer Security (CLS). In this blog post, we dive into the groundbreaking vision of making encrypted co…

Unlocking the Future with ProgCrypto

At Devconnect 2023, a revolutionary concept was spotlighted during the ProgCrypto event: Programmable Cryptography. This two-day gathering of researchers, developers, and community members focused on the future of cryptography and its potential to reshape digital interactions. Vi…

Private Proof Markets using MPC

As much as we like to talk about Zero Knowledge, especially zk-friendly hash functions, we also enjoy to talk about other privacy-enhancing technologies (PETs). ZK is for sure the standout PETs performer in web3 today, with homomorphic encryption (HE) taking a little bit of spotl…